Seeing Stars

For 2011, I will stretch my creative muscles and make a star each day.
I will see and celebrate a human star each week. I look forward to acknowledging the every day people who make this world a better place.
Stay tuned, baby!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1.6.11 star me diagram

I used to symbol of star to guide me as I diagrammed who I am..all the facets and what shoots out of them...something like that.


  1. This is really cute!

    p.s. I just thought i'd let you know (if you didn't already) that I've added your blog link to my blogfeed of 365's for everyone to see.

    Hope that's OK. Let me know if it isn't and i'll remove it!

    Cheers, Sarah

  2. thanks,'s totally ok..going to check out your stuff now..yep, friday night and home being sleepover mom and working on my blog(s)
    peace, tori
